How can you support Stars at Dawn?

There are many ways!

Subscribe, like, and comment

Subscribe to the Stars at dawn YouTube channel, like my videos, and comment. This goes a long way towards supporting the project.      

Tell your friends

If you like Stars at Dawn’s work share it with your friends. Get them to subscribe, join the mailing list, and add the music to spotify.        


Buy me a coffee

Buy me a coffee! Consider helping me support my coffee addiction, or sign up for a membership tier. This kind of support goes directly towards helping support all the incredible artists that work to make these projects happen.

Why should you support?

Let’s look at some actual testimonials from real people!

Stars at Dawn convinced me to quit my job and pursue my career as a Contortionist.

-Steve Realman

I just quit smoking. Thanks Stars at Dawn!

-Samanta Notfakeen

I listen to Stars at Dawn at work. Now I’m President of my company!

-Max Person

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

-Judy Momanzesctien